
#4 Cultivating My Dream

For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the idea of owning land—specifically farmland, both arable and pasture. As a child, and even now, I’ve loved watching farming shows like Countryfile and, more recently, Clarkson’s Farm . Though I wasn’t raised on a farm, I was fortunate that my parents had a large garden. We had a vegetable patch, a greenhouse, and even kept chickens for eggs. I loved it. This experience also sparked my interest in gardening. I enjoy maintaining a tidy lawn—as well as pruning trees and bushes. I dream of owning a house set on a couple of acres. Land that can be used to raise a few farm animals and to grow food, bringing me one step closer to self-sufficiency. I’m not particularly concerned with the house on the land, as long as it keeps my family dry, warm, and safe. My true interest lies in the land itself—the grass, the trees, the wildlife, and the landscape. I love getting my hands dirty and doing a bit of DIY. So, a barn or stable block re

#3 Philosophical Journey: Are We Alone?

No. For billions of years, Earth has been teeming with an extraordinary array of life forms, and more recently, even humans have ventured into orbit around our planet. From the first microorganisms in the primordial oceans to the majestic dinosaurs that once roamed the land. From the dawn of mammals to the emergence of early humans. From the myriad of animals that inhabit the land and sea to the birds that soar through the skies. We are certainly not alone. Perhaps a more suitable question would be: Is there life beyond our planet? Well, yes. Humans are currently residing on the International Space Station (at least for now). Furthermore, regardless of whether we discover life on Mars, it seems increasingly likely that we will become a multi-planetary species and establish colonies on other worlds by the end of this century. I sincerely hope this happens within my lifetime, as witnessing such an achievement would be profoundly inspiring. But is there life further afield? Beyond the rea

#2 Fatherhood: A Brief Insight

Work hard. It’s as simple as that. Being a father, or a parent in general, is an endeavor that demands unwavering effort and commitment. There is no denying the relentless nature of this role. Before welcoming our baby girl into the world earlier this year, my life followed a predictable, albeit fulfilling, routine. I worked a 9-to-5 job and afterward, I could unwind on the sofa, play video games, or enjoy a leisurely run. My wife and I would alternate cooking and cleaning duties, occasionally treating ourselves to takeout and binge-watching our favorite TV shows. Our weekends were filled with adventures, family visits, and romantic dinner d ates. While my routine hasn't drastically changed, the pace and intensity have certainly ramped up. The notion of work ceases to end when I step through the door after a day at the office. We now have a delightful yet demanding baby who requires constant attention. Rocking her to sleep, bathing her, entertaining her, or changing her nappy – the

#1 One Quarter Full: A Journey of Growth and Discovery

Hello there! I’m a man in my mid-twenties. I have a wonderful wife, an adorable baby girl, a house, and a job. I’m an engineer, a runner, a painter, and a gardener. I like to think of myself as creative, ambitious, and loving. These qualities shape my life and define who I am. Why am I starting this blog? Yesterday, I made a decision that feels both exciting and daunting: to embark on a journey of self-reflection and growth by recording my life. Through this blog, I hope to learn from my past experiences and perspectives. Perhaps you might find some inspiration or insight from my journey as well! I don’t claim to be a professional writer, but I’m optimistic that this experience will help me improve. So, bear with me as I find my voice and refine my storytelling skills. Why "One Quarter Full"? The name "One Quarter Full" feels like a perfect fit for my fist blog. As an optimist, I see this as a representation of my current stage in life - a quarter of my life journey